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Crestview Elementary

Crestview Parent Involvement Policy


Mrs. Misti Thompson, Principal    l  Ms. Mary Roberts, Assistant Principal l  Mrs. Courtney Wood, Counselor

Welcome to Crestview Elementary!  The staff and School Board of Trustees are pleased that you have selected Graham Schools to educate your children.  We are proud of the dedication of our outstanding teachers.  Graham ISD is a community of individuals working and learning together.  While our primary purpose is to educate your children, we are more than a school to which you send your children each day.  We are a school that involves you as a parent and desire your participation and support.   We encourage and challenge you and your children to grow and learn in a variety of ways as you continue your education journey with GISD.  Parents frequently want to know how to find out what is going on in school and how to get involved.  The answer is simple:  the best way to find out what is happening is to be involved!  

Mrs. Misti Thompson, Principal of Crestview, and Ms. Mary Roberts, Assistant Principal of Crestview, have an open door policy and highly encourages parents, guardians, or community members to stop by the school to visit in person, take a tour of the campus, or simply meet the staff of Crestview.   We always welcome your questions, ideas, concerns, and feedback.  We are constantly growing and evolving as an institution of learning and we value the perspective that all stakeholders have to offer in the education of children.  

The mission of Crestview Elementary is to provide a high-quality education in a safe and respectful environment that builds a foundation for lifelong learning.

The vision of Crestview Elementary is a community where all children feel loved, respected, and encouraged to develop to their fullest potential.

We will:

C – Collaborate

R – Respect

E – Engage

S – Support

T – Transform

V – Value

I – Imagine

E – Encourage

W – Wisdom

Where As Crestview Elementary is a campus in which: Students believe Crestview is a place to experience new things, all in an environment of acceptance and protection.  Families believe Crestview is a safe and professional educational environment, which recognizes individual strengths, builds social skills, prepares children for lifelong learning, welcomes all, and embraces diversities. Crestview staff believes others revere Crestview as a pivotal, respected, and vital role in the development of young children.  Central Office believes Crestview provides a quality learning opportunity for young children.  GISD School Board believes Crestview offers a meaningful and appropriate educational experience for our students.  Graham Community believes Crestview is an essential building block in the educational foundation of the child.  The Texas Education Agency believes Crestview provides a free and appropriate educational opportunity for all children to achieve excellence and honor.

Crestview Elementary School’s Parental Involvement Plan may include, but is not limited to, the following:


Crestview Elementary School will involve parents of students at all grade levels in a variety of roles – such as campus volunteers, reading assistance, and participation and involvement in campus activities.

Examples at Crestview include:

  1. PTO – Parent Teacher Organization which is free to all families

    1. Campus spirit and moral activities

    2. Student celebration activities

    3. Recruitment and organization of campus volunteers

    4. Recognition of staff achievements

    5. Regular public meetings to encourage new members to become involved in the school

  2. Reading Program

    1. Community members and parents actively recruited to participate in volunteer reading with students

  3. Seasonal activities

    1. Organize School-wide food drive

    2. Cookies with Santa

    3. Book fair volunteers


Parents and faculty are encouraged to maintain regular, two-way communication throughout the year.  GrahamISD has provided ParentSquare as the communication platform throughout the district. Teachers may also communicate with parents through a classroom take-home folder, automated phone calls, parent/teacher conferences, and email.  Teachers at Crestview will communicate in at least one format with each of their students’ families at least once per week.    Teachers will communicate more frequently if additional support is needed.  Administrations and/or counselor may contact parents regarding positive or negative behaviors that involve their child.

Other examples of communication between school and parents will include the following:

  1. Student Information updated and verified annually.  A variety of resources will be exchanged yearly to help keep records current and parents contact information current.

  2. The district and campus website will be made available as a public site to provide information concerning the schools’ activities.  Each staff member will have a designated webpage with specific information about his or her role.  

  3. The district and campus will maintain a Facebook page to assist in the publication of announcements and accomplishments.

  4. Proved “Family Access” a portal that allows parents and guardians to be involved in the most current information available on their child regarding attendance, grades, and teacher notes.

  5. Send home classroom notes, campus newsletter, and campus calendar on a regular basis.

  6. Utilize automated phone calling system to inform parents of school or district-wide events, closings, and school news.

Promoting & Supporting Responsible Parenting

Crestview Elementary School will:

  1. Recognize parental involvement through local media including articles and pictures.

  2. Provide responsible parenting opportunities and parenting assistance through the WII Care program offered by the campus counselor.

  3. Distribute a campus newsletter that offers helpful parenting advice as well as school-specific information.

  4. Distribute a monthly calendar of scheduled events and learning objectives

Parental Awareness in Student Learning:

Crestview Elementary School will:

  1. Schedule regular events that allow and invite parents to participate in the school process.

    1. Title I report to the public.

    2. Parental Involvement Opportunities

      1. Administration Q & A

      2. STEM Night

      3. CV Literacy Night

      4. Meet the Teacher Events to allow families to visit the school and meet the staff prior to school starting.

      5. PTO events throughout the year.

Encouraging Parental Support & Assistance:

Crestview Elementary School will encourage parental support and assistance in the following ways:

  1. Distribute copies of our parental involvement plan.

  2. Encourage parents to become involved in the school process.

  3. All students and parents will be given access to the digital GISD Student / Parent Handbook outlining their rights and responsibilities which includes the school district’s commitment to parental involvement.

    1. Parents are given the opportunity to receive a hardcopy of these documents upon their request.

Recognizing Full Partnerships Between School and Family:

Crestview Elementary School recognizes that a parent is a full partner in the decisions that affect his or her child and family. Crestview Elementary will include parents by:

  1. Schedule Student Support Team meetings as needed at times that are agreed upon by the parent, teacher, and administration.

  2. Schedule parent conferences in cooperation with parents and their needs.

  3. Include parents and teachers in the decision-making process.

  4. Involve parents on the Campus Improvement Team and District Improvement Team.

  5. Provide a parent survey that allows parents to anonymously provide feedback to the school.

Collaborating with Community Resources:

Crestview Elementary school will maintain an active campus improvement team comprised of administration, staff, faculty, parents, community representatives, and business leaders will provide advice and guidance to lead the school towards improvement and goal achievement.

  1. Involve community patrons in the campus improvement meetings

  2. Work with community and business members to help with and promote activities within the school to strengthen school programs, family practices, and student learning.

    1. Ask for volunteers to assist in the school

    2. Provide opportunities for local businesses to participate in the education experience.

    3. Establish and promote mentor programs with local businesses.

    4. Maintain an active relationship with the Chamber of Commerce